** means the journals listed in SSCI/SCIE/SCOPUS and * means the journals in KCI(Korea Citation Index) 

**Choi, S. (2024). "Estimating Spillover Effect from International Oil Markets to Stock Market: Evidence from Korean Portfolio-Level Analysis", Economies 12(4), 92
Choi, S. and Choi, H. (2024). "Revisiting a Climate-Economy Model with consideration of Agent's Heterogeniety and Interactions with the Agents", International Journal of Education, Business and Economics Research 4(3), 137-157
**Lee, K. and Choi, K. (2024). "Strategic Delegation and Tariff Protection with Network Externalities", Japanese Economic Review 75(1), 93-119
**Lee, K. and Choi, K. (2024). "Uniform versus Discrimitory Tariffs when Competition Mode is Endogenous", Bulletine of Economic Research 76(1), 95-120  

**Choi, K., Lee, D, and Lee, K. (2023). "Biased Managers with Network Externalities," Scottish Journal of Political Economy 70 (3), 201-216
**Lee, K. and Choi, K. (2023). "Optimal Tariffs with Endogenous Vertical Structure: Uniform versus Discriminatory Tariffs", Mathematical Social Sciences 124, 35-50
*Lee, K. and Choi, K. (2023). "Do Transport Costs Change Organizational Form under Two-way Trade Market? Journal of Economic Theory and Econometrics 34 (1), 44-83

**Choi, K. and Lee, K. (2022). "Strategic Delegation and Network Externalities under Export Rivalry Market"  Manchester School, 90 (1), 1-19
**Choi, K. and Lee, K(2022). "Strategic Delegation and Tariff Protection with Network Externalities", Japanese Economic Review, 1-27

**Choi, S., Hwang, S. and Denzau, A. (2021). "Do Households Conserve Electricity When They Receive Signals of Greater Consumption than Neighbours? The Korean Case", Energy, 225(15): 120292.
**Choi, S, (2021). "Does Salience of Neighbor-Comparison Information Attract Attention and Conserve Energy? Eye-Tracking Experiment and Interview with Korean Local Apartment Residents", Information (Switzerland), 12(3): 125.
‌*Choi, S. (2021). "The Role of Institutional Background for US Shale Gas Production Boom: Did the Boom Affect the Cointegration of World Crude Oi Markets"" Review of Institution and Economics, 15(1), 83-105.

**Congleton, R., Marsella, A., Kim, Y. (2020). "Some Evidence of the Long-Run Stability Processes in the United States: Post-sample Forecasts and Refinements of the Congleton-Shughart Models of Social Security Benefits," Public Choice, 183(1), 101-131.
**Lee, K., Choi, S., Choi, K. (2020). "Bertrand versus Cournot Competition in a Downstream Mixed Oligopoly with Foreign Ownership," Bulletin of Economic Research, 72(2), 101-120.
**Choi, S. Salam, A. Kim, Y. "Foreign Currency Derivative Usage and Firm Value in Bangladesh: Comparative Analysis between Exporters and Non-exporters under Exchange Rate Movements," International Journal of Emerging Markets, July 2020 (Online First)
*Lee, W., Choi, S. (2020). "Effects of Consumer's Behavior on Firm's Eco-Friendly Production", Journal of Economic Studies (經濟硏究), 38(4), 173-190.


**Choi, S., Salam, A.Lee, K. (2019). "The Nature of Exchange Rate Movements and Exchange Rate Exposure: The Bangladesh Case," Journal of South Asian Development, 14(2), 180-222.
*Choi, S., Kim, H., Jung, Y. (2019). "Response of Residents to the Social Norm Information in Utility Statement: Evidence from Households Utility Data and Eye-Tracking Experiment," Review of Institution and Economics, 13(2). 33-60
Kim, Y. "A Local Government Tax Policy," Research Project, Ministry of the Interior and Safety, Rep. of Korea


*Choi, S., Kim, Y. (2018). "An Analysis of Differences in Employment SPECS between Job-Seekers and Corporate HR Managers: Based on Eye-Tracking Experiment and Survey Interview," Review of Institution and Economics, 12(2). 153-182
Choi, S. "The Role of Social Norm Intervention vs. Personal Preference in Residential Energy Conservation," Korea Energy Economics Institute Basic Research Project
Choi, S. "OPEC Strategies over the Past Decade and for the Next Decade," Korea Energy Economics Institute Occasional Project


**Choi, S. (2017) "The Role of Money Market Liquidity in Dynamics of Crude Oil Prices," Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, 11(7).
Choi, S. and Kang, T. (2017). "Energy Conservation with Behavioral Economics Approaches," Energy Focus, 14(2).
*Kim, Y. (2017). "Public Choice analysis on Government Expenditure Efficiency," Korean Journal of Public Choice Economics, 5(1).
Choi, S. "Empirical Analyses on International Crude Markers Prices Comovements and Causality," Korea Energy Economics Institute Basic Research Project
Hwang, M. "Creative Software R&D Contest Exhibit: Eye-Tracking Technology Development," Government Research Project of Korea
Hwang, M. "Frontier Ventures and Start-ups: Automatic Data Analytic Tools with Eye-Tracking Experiment," Government Research Project of Korea


*Choi, S. (2016). "The Effect of Business Diversification on Oil Price Exposure: Evidence from US Oil firms with Consideration of Structural Breaks in Oil Price Movements," Korea Energy Economic Review, 14(2). 51-76
Choi, S. "Handbook of Behavioral Economics: The Major Concept and Its Application to Energy Market and Policy," Sigma Press, Korea
Choi, S. "Eye-Tracking Test for the Korea Energy Statistical Information System," Korea Energy Economics Institute Occasional Project
Choi, S. "IEA-based Residential Energy Consumption Database System Construction," Government Research Project of Korea  


**Choi, S. (2014). "Causality Test between Investor's Sentiment and Price Movements: A Case Study of the NYMEX Crude Oil Futures Markets," International Journal of Oil., Gas, and Coal Technology, 7(3).
**Choi, S. (2014). "The Effect of Oil Prices on Regional Portfolios of Koran Small and Medium Enterprises: Features on region, Sub-Period, and Measurement Type of Oil Price Changes," Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, 9(1).
Choi, S. "The Effect of Vertical Integration on Intrnational Oil Companies: Evidence from Panel Data," Korea Energy Economics Institute Basic Research Project


**Shin, H. Hou, T., Park, K., Park, C., Choi, S. (2014). "Prediction of Movement Direction in Crude Oil Prices based on Semi-Supervised Learning," Decision Support Systems, 55(1).
Choi, S. "Identifying the Global Crude Oil Supply Risk Factors and National Strategies for the Identified Risk Factors" Government Research Project of Korea


**Choi, S. and Hwang, S. (2012). "Do Trader's Positions Predict Oil Futures Prices? A Case Study of the 2008 Oil Market Turbulence," International Journal of Global Energy Issues, 35(6)
Kim, Y. R. Congleton, Batinti, A., Bose, F., Pietrantonio, R. (2012) "Public Choice and the Modern Welfare State," in Shughart, W. F., L. Razzolini, and Reksulak, M. (Eds) The Elgar Companion to Public Choice, Edward Elgar Publishing, Second Edition


**Choi, S. (2010). "Estimating Exchange Rate Exposure of Trade-Intensive Firms: Application to Korean Oil-Refiners and Petrochemicals," Global Economic Review, 36(3).
*Lee, D. and Choi, S. (2011) "The Resource Course, Corruption, Rule of Law," Korea Energy Economic Review, 10(2).
Choi, S. "Developing Strategies for Korea Oil Downstream Market," Government Research Project of Korea